
Optimizing Product Sorting in Magento 2: A Comprehensive GuideIntroduction to Magento 2 Sorting

Written by Mika Lee

In the competitive landscape of e-commerce, providing customers with intuitive sorting options is crucial for enhancing their shopping experience and driving conversions. With Magento 2, merchants have access to powerful tools and functionalities to implement various sorting criteria, allowing customers to find products quickly and efficiently.

Understanding Sorting Options in Magento 2 Sorting by Newest Products in Magento 2

Sorting products by newest allows customers to discover the latest additions to your store’s catalog. By showcasing newly added products at the top of search results or category pages, merchants can attract the attention of customers looking for fresh arrivals.

Sorting by Best Sellers in Magento 2

Sorting products by best seller enables customers to identify popular items that have been well-received by other shoppers. This sorting option is invaluable for guiding purchasing decisions and instilling confidence in customers by highlighting products with proven track records.

Sorting by Price (Low to High) in Magento 2

Sorting products by price from low to high helps budget-conscious shoppers find affordable options that align with their financial preferences. By organizing products based on price, merchants can cater to customers seeking cost-effective solutions without sacrificing quality.

Sorting by Stock Availability in Magento 2

Sorting products by stock availability ensures that customers can easily identify items that are currently in stock and available for purchase. This sorting option helps minimize frustration and enhances transparency by providing real-time information on product availability.

Implementing Sorting Options in Magento 2 Configuring Default Sorting Preferences

Merchants can customize default sorting preferences in Magento 2 to align with their target audience’s browsing habits and preferences. By accessing the admin panel, merchants can define default sorting options for category pages, search results, and product listings.

Adding Custom Sorting Options

For merchants seeking additional flexibility, Magento 2 offers the ability to add custom sorting options tailored to specific business needs. Whether sorting by product attributes, customer ratings, or promotional relevance, merchants can create unique sorting criteria to enhance the browsing experience.

Leveraging Sorting for Enhanced User ExperienceStreamlining Navigation

Effective sorting functionality streamlines the browsing experience for customers, allowing them to navigate through product listings effortlessly. By providing intuitive sorting options, merchants can reduce friction in the purchasing process and improve overall user satisfaction.

Promoting Discoverability

Strategic use of sorting options promotes product discoverability and encourages customers to explore different categories within your store. By highlighting featured products or promotional items through sorting criteria, merchants can drive engagement and increase sales opportunities.


In conclusion, implementing robust sorting functionality in Magento 2 is essential for optimizing the browsing experience and driving conversions in e-commerce stores. By understanding the diverse sorting options available and leveraging them effectively, merchants can create a seamless and enjoyable shopping journey for their customers.

About the author

Mika Lee

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